lasting impressions

for YOUR

business success

What we do

A clear, simple and unique design can help increase business success and create a strong recognizable brand

Websites Design
Websites Development
UI/UX Design
UI/UX Analytics
Logos & Icons Design
Graphic Design
Business Cards
Banners, Booths, Flags
Social Media Elements

and many more...

websites design & development

Making web better - important & status words that have not lost their sacred meaning over the 20+ years

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UI/UX Design & Analytics

Convenience and logic are mandatory conditions for any modern site. No matter how perfect the interface is, there is always something that can be improved. And if there is no such thing, then it's time to start redo.

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business cards

Let us introduce you and your business in a very classic and in the same time unique way. Remarkable style and lasting impression from private assistant of every businessman - a business card. This is it!

design of marketing materials

Billboards, banners, booths, flags, brochures, leaflets, posters, cards, outdoor titles, presentations, t-shirts, cups, pens, bags, ​magazine adverts etc... ​Not only look but touch allowed!

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Paul Schepilov, Ukraine: more than 20 years of experience in graphic, marketing and web design; UI/UX analytics, improvements and customizations; collaborations with different companies from Europe, Canada, USA; developing styles and brands from zero. I have a special design education, B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. in Public Management. Personal approach for any client and his requests. Perfectionism and attention to the details.


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